About Maman Cacao
We all hold an infinite bank of wisdom within our own heart, when we invite pure presence into our lives ~ we can access it more deeply. Maman cacao can help us bridge the gap between our heart and our mind, find more harmony within and assist us in tapping into our true essence, our inner gold. Sacred ceremonial cacao is truly the bridge between our heart and mind, the gateway to our true essence, the key to unlocking our inner gold. We all have the capacity to be in communion with heaven and earth. We have gold within us all, an infinite bank of wisdom that resides within our own heart when we expand beyond our individual stories we can access so much more.
It’s a privilege to bring “liquid gold” from different parts of the globe to Canada. Honouring where the cacao comes from, the wisdom the plant holds and emphasizing the importance of devotion, integrity and love are the roots of Maman Cacao.
Integrity ~ Devotion ~ Love ~ Community ~
About the Cacao
Heart of the Earth, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala
Photographs 1-6 by Ruk'u'x Ulew (Sofía Pérez)
C'est un tel honneur d'apporter au Canada du cacao artisanal "Cœur de la Terre" du Guatemala. Ce cacao sacré est tissé avec la sagesse maya, la dévotion et tant d'amour. Chaque bloc de cacao est créé par un magnifique collectif de femmes ; je me sens privilégiée d'avoir l'occasion de travailler avec cette plante médicinale et si chanceuse de pouvoir vous l'offrir à tous.
Avec amour,
“Ruk'u'x Ulew was founded in 2016 by Cecilia Mendoza Chiyal, an indigenous Mayan mother of three, born and raised in San Marcos La Laguna, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala.
Cecilia once ran a small cafe in her village and many local women would come and ask her for work. She was troubled by not being able to help all these women with employment, so she would pray to God and sit with the fire spirit and ask: “What path shall I take? What sort business can I do to give enough work to so many women?” Cecilia would prepare her own traditional cacao drink for her family every Christmas and Easter using the highest quality cacao beans, sourced from an organic family farm in Alta-Verapaz. She often received compliments on her delicious cacao. This gave Cecilia the courage to ask a few of the busy cafes in her village if they would be interested in selling her blocks of cacao. They agreed and sold out quickly. The customers reaction to her cacao was overwhelmingly positive.”
“The cacao spirit chose me”, Cecilia says.
“She quickly went from ordering 15 pounds of cacao beans, to 30 pounds, to 50 pounds, then big sacks to keep up with the demand as, the orders kept growing. Cecilia was able to put her children and her closest family members to work, but soon she needed more women to help her process all the cacao beans! Her business quickly grew and she had hired 15 women.”
“It’s a dream for me”, she says “because God answered my prayers and sent me cacao so i could help employ more women in my village”.
“Cecilia also mentions that the cacao spirit was helped her call in the right energy of women to work with her. Working with cacao demands a lot of concentration, presence and attention. She began to notice that the women who had a keen work force loved working with the cacao and that those who weren’t right for the job would not stick around.”
Cecilia explains; “I love this work, the cacao is a teacher for me. It is not an obligation, it is a loving project. We don’t rush the process, we work patiently. I explain the importance of this to each of the women. Our customers often report that they can feel the love we put into it.” ”
- Ruk'u'x Ulew
My hope is that you feel love in every sip that you take, knowing where the cacao comes from, how it is cultivated and acknowledging the entire process is very important. When Maman cacao is honoured, your experience with her transforms. May she show you exactly what you are meant to witness, feel and observe.
Ubud Raw, Bali, Indonesia
Photography by Ubud Raw
Mama Bali m'a soutenue dans certains de mes plus grands moments de transformation. Dès que j'ai atterri en Indonésie, j'ai eu le sentiment d'être chez moi. L'énergie puissante qui existe à Bali est difficile à décrire, mais une fois qu'on en a fait l'expérience, on ne l'oublie jamais. Je suis très heureuse de vous annoncer que Maman Cacao a fait le voyage depuis Ubud Bali. Ubud Raw possède un cacao de qualité cérémoniale des plus exceptionnels et je suis si heureuse de pouvoir vous l'offrir.
Avec amour,
A few words about the sacred heart medicine from Bali, Indonesia ~ their approach is respectful, honourable and weaved with devotion. It is such a blessing to bring this Cacao to all of you.
“The difference between regular cacao and ceremonial grade cacao is the way it has been processed and prepared. For ceremonial cacao, the processing is kept as minimal and pure as possible. Freshly harvested beans are fermented and then dried, but never roasted. The husks are removed from the dried beans to leave broken cacao nibs. These nibs are then ground into a thick paste. The paste is molded and cooled into solid blocks, then it’s ready to be used as ceremonial cacao. A block like this is similar to 100% chocolate with no sugar added, but it is created simply, without conching or tempering.
The main intention is to leave the cacao in its most natural state, retaining all the precious nutrients and energies that cacao may offer, nothing added nor removed.
Once the beans are delivered to UBUD RAW, we dry them, remove the shells and grind them at minimal temperatures, to preserve the nutritional and biochemical integrity of beans. Each stage of the process is performed with love and intention to create the most delicious and medicinally potent raw ceremonial grade cacao that can be experienced. We believe our UBUD RAW ceremonial cacao is one of the world’s finest quality ceremonial grade cacaos that exist. It is created to support personal growth, spiritual exploration, deep inspiration and connection with the Divine, according to each person’s own beliefs and practices.”
“Ubud raw ceremonial grade cacao has been tested by an independent laboratory to be low on heavy metals.”
Ceremonial grade cacao has the following benefits:
High in Anti-Oxidant
Full of Healthy Fats
Mood Enhancer
Heavy Metal Tested & Safe
Heart Opening
Grounded Energy Source
Increases Focus & Creativity
Essential Vitamins & Minerals such as Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, B1, B2, B3, B5, B9 and E
J'espère que vous ressentirez de l'amour à chaque gorgée que vous prendrez. Lorsque nous reconnaissons l'origine du cacao, la façon dont il est préparé et honoré tout au long du processus, notre expérience se transforme. Lorsque Maman Cacao est vraiment appréciée, votre voyage avec elle change complètement. Que Maman Cacao vous montre exactement ce que vous êtes censé voir, sentir et observer.
Kaukawa, Cusco, Peru
Photography by Kaukawa
J'ai travaillé intimement avec le cacao sacré du Pérou pendant des années et le fait d'y être en mai 2024 m'a connecté plus profondément à la terre. J'ai demandé à l'Esprit de me montrer si j'étais destinée à apporter du cacao du Pérou dans cette partie du monde ~ peu de temps après, KAUKAWA est apparu et j'ai été instantanément attirée par eux.
J'ai eu l'occasion de visiter leur espace à Cusco et de rencontrer leur belle fondatrice Fiorella Richter.
Je suis honorée de pouvoir vous présenter ce travail d'amour.
Avec amour,
Honouring founder Fiorella, Sonia & Miriam Valverde ~ a family of women farmers, of the golden cacao in Quillabamba, Cusco, Peru.
“Kaukawa seeks to establish a new approach so Cacao is seen as a sacred plant in our lives, which is a complete different vibration than what regular chocolate represents in the modern times.”
"Notre pâte de cacao est destinée à vous inviter à un voyage de connexion profonde avec le cœur, le long de la vibration de l'énergie péruvienne et de la sagesse unique des mondes andin et amazonien."
“The golden cacao is an ancient genotype, to be believed one of the first cacao varieties to have been domesticated about 3,000 years ago by indigenous communities. Nowadays, it grows in the high jungle area in Quillabamba, a region of Cusco state, between the Andes mountains & the Amazon rainforest in Peru.”
“Ceremonial cacao is known for its ability to promote relaxation, arouse joy within our bodies and create a deep connection with our hearts. Ceremonial cacao is intended to be used in special rituals, ceremonies and offerings.”
So incredibly honoured to bring this sacred heart medicine to all of you.
About the Founder ~ Nicole
Over the years Nicole has learned to love, appreciate, and value herself in ways she never thought were possible. Throughout her healing journey she found the strength to battle through many obstacles, each leading her to create a healthier relationship with her body, mind, heart and soul. Over the last few years her practices have evolved and deepened tremendously by integrating mindfulness, meditation, breathwork, plant medicines, healing ceremonies and by incorporating sacred Cacao into her rituals. Including enriching modalities into her life, have allowed her to move way beyond the physical aspects of her practices and connect more deeply to her true essence. Nicole has subsequently developed a richer relationship with her soul, Great Spirit & Mother Nature. Nicole truly lives her passion. She uses her personal journey to inspire others to discover their own truth. She loves to hold space for others to drop IN - to shift - to dive deeper - to expand - to wake up their true self and discover their innate essence. She loves to inspire others to “Honour Your Goldprint.”
Honouring your Goldprint signifies standing fully in your true essence. Nicole believes we all have a unique tapestry, a beautiful Goldprint, that we are all meant to discover. No two humans are created the same. Our uniqueness is our gift to this world. She believes that the more time that we spend connecting to our own heart, the more we can get to know our unique truth.
Nicole feels that as humans we tend to live our lives in accordance with what others expect of us. We are all continuously inundated by societies ideals, expectations, and visions of success. It takes a tremendous amount of courage to live a life aligned with our own heart. She feels that choosing the path of surrender is truly about deciding to unravel all that we are not and align ourselves fully with all that we truly are.
Cacao called upon her years ago and since that call she has been working with it daily. She has worked with different cacaos from around the world and she is constantly in amazement of the beauty each one gifts her. She has studied with Maestra Jemmita, Maestro Puma and Maestro Alfredo to gain insight into shamanic practices and understand Andean cosmovision, specifically the 7 rays. Nicole presently offers cacao ceremonies, 1:1 mentorship, group healing journeys, retreats, and private ceremonies within her community.